Lavender Or Purple Stock, Yellow Roses, White Roses, Pink Carnations, Green Minicarnations, Variegated Pittosporum.
Brighten their day with the "Close Enough to Spring" arrangement, a soft and fragrant collection of lavender stock, buttery yellow roses, crisp white roses, pink carnations, and green mini carnations. Finished with variegated pittosporum, this bouquet is as refreshing as a spring breeze. Part of our Barnwood Expressions Collection.
Consists Of Peach Roses, Peach Dianthus, Peach Mums, Accentuated With Maroon Dianthus And Greens.
Celebrate life’s sweetness with "Life’s a Peach," a breathtaking bouquet of peach roses, dianthus, and mums, enriched with dramatic maroon accents and fresh greens. A versatile and elegant choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because. Part of our Barnwood Expressions Collection.
Easter flowers make some of the most beautiful flower arrangements because they are typically the flowers of springtime. Tulips, hyacinth, and pastel colors abound in baskets filled with Easter flowers. Wish someone a happy Easter by sending a big bouquet of spring flowers, whether they are around the corner or across the country, Barnwood Farms - Flower & Keepsake Co. can help!